Monday, July 7, 2008

Mesa Verde, Day 2

Today we explored the cliff dwelling named Spruce Tree House, which Beth was pleased to learn did not involve any ladders. On the way back up the trail, we found a side trail that led to petraglyphs, which are pictures carved in the sandstone rock. Deb, the girls, and I decided to hike the 2 mile loop, while Beth opted to spend time in the park museum. So off we went.

The trail wasn't too bad... until it began to go up. And up. And up. And I thought five ladders at this elevation was hard! At one point we had to climb over a boulder, and I thought I was totally done in. But the views from the mesas were phenomenal, and the petraglyphs were very interesting. Our biggest mistake was not taking water with us. By the time we got back to the museum to meet up with Beth, I was really dehydrated.

We ate lunch and took a tram ride of a second mesa, with Deb and the girls doing one more dwelling called Long House. Beth and I rode the tram back to the station and spent time reading. When the Beatty's returned we headed to the Far View Terrace for ice cream and souvenirs. We saw some of David Nighteagle's handmade flutes for sale. Don't worry, Dave, I didn't buy one...

As we drove to Durango to spend the night, we all decided Mesa Verde was really cool, and well worth the bugs, heat, ladders and dehydration.

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